Original Release
Start 2013 on Positive Note with Positive Business DC’s “Well-being in the Workplace Series”
Washington, DC—January 23, 2013—Positive Business DC today announced that renowned author, Caroline Adams Miller, will disclose how setting goals leads to happiness and success during their January 31 Meetup. Miller’s presentation, Creating Your Best Life for Success, is the second in Positive Business DC’s Well-being in the Workplace Series, and is being held at TeqCorner in Tyson’s Corner, VA.

Caroline Adams Miller
Miller is the author of Creating Your Best Life, and is an internationally-known coach who speaks frequently on the topic of goal accomplishment and its connection with happiness. She is recognized as one of the world’s leaders on this research and how it can be applied to one’s life for maximum transformation and growth.
“The research tells us that people who have a limited number of choices when making decisions are more satisfied with their decisions and experience less regret than those with more choice in similar situations,” comments Marcia Moran, co-founder of Positive Business DC. “While most people wouldn’t apply this idea to goal-setting, having a clear idea of what you want to achieve and when naturally narrows the choices a person will make.”
Shannon Polly, MAPP, also a co-founder adds, “You have to be careful, though, in how you frame the way you think about goals. People who frame personal goals as ‘I’ll be happier when…’ actually experience less overall satisfaction because by the time they reach their goal, they’ve already incorporated their feelings of achievement and satisfaction into their lives. It’s counterintuitive, but unfortunately true.”
Miller is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard University, and has a MAPP Degree (Masters in Applied Positive Psychology). Other published books by Miller include My Name is Caroline, Feeding the Soul, and Bright Words for Dark Days, and the upcoming Positively Caroline (April 2013).
Positive Business DC will continue to conduct its speaker series across the Metro DC area. If you are interested in hosting a future event, please DM @PositiveBizDC. The January 31 Meetup will be held at Teqcorner (1616 Anderson Road, McLean, VA) and includes refreshments. To register visit Positive Business DC. Space is limited.