Profit from the Positive

Presented by Authors Margaret Greenberg and Senia Maymin

Profit from the Positive from Donna Hemmert on Vimeo.

“…what business schools will be teaching in ten years.”

– Shawn Achor, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage


On January 14, 2013 we had a very well-attended webinar, where we learned tools that have been implemented in businesses large and small, and as diverse as Google, VMware, SNL Financial, Aetna, and Intel.  If you are coach, business leader, entrepreneur, or HR professional don’t miss this webinar!

Margaret Greenberg and Senia Maymin, authors of the new book Profit from the Positive: Proven Leadership Strategies to Boost Productivity and Transform Your Business (McGraw-Hill), translate the science of positive psychology into practical tools.  Margaret Greenberg is a sought-after organizational development consultant and executive coach to Fortune 500 companies.  Senia Maymin is a PBS-featured executive coach to entrepreneurs and holds a PhD in organizational behavior from Stanford. Both are graduates of the inaugural Master of Applied Positive Psychology program at The University of Pennsylvania.

What business people and authors are saying:

  • “When you finish reading Profit from the Positive, it will influence your behaviors the next day.” – Tom Rath, NYT bestselling author of StrengthsFinder 2.0
  • “Greenberg and Maymin–pioneers in the application of positive psychology to organizations…” – Adam Grant, NYT bestselling author of Give and Take
  • “…full of realistic, creative, practical, and effective strategies” – John P. Tarpey, COO, Balfour Beatty Construction
  • “…small changes that make a huge difference.” – Debbie Newhouse, learning and development manager at Google


Margaret H. Greenberg is a sought-after executive coach by Fortune 500 companies. In 1997, after 15 years in the corporate world, she founded The Greenberg Group, a consulting firm dedicated to coaching business leaders and their teams to achieve more than they ever thought possible. She holds a BA in sociology from the University of Hartford and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) from the University of Pennsylvania. Greenberg lives in Connecticut with her husband and has two grown daughters.

Senia Maymin, Ph.D., is an executive coach to entrepreneurs and CEOs, and has appeared on PBSBusiness Week, and USA Today. Maymin runs a coaches network and is the founder and editor in chief of the research news site She holds a BA in math and economics from Harvard University, a MAPP from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA and PhD in organizational behavior from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. She lives in California with her family.

Video book trailer (1.5 minutes)